السلام عليكم
عندي 3 مسائل فيزيائيه في magnetic field

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المسائل هي :
Two long straight parallel wires separated by a distance of 20 cm carry currents of 30 A and 40 A in opposite directions. What is the magnitude of the resulting magnetic field at a point that is 15 cm from the wire carrying the 30-A current and 25 cm from the other wire?
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The figure shows a cross section of three parallel wires each carrying a current of 15 A. The currents in wires A and C are out of the paper, while that in wire B is into the paper. If the distance R = 5.0 mm, what is the magnitude of the force on a 4.0-m length of wire C?

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A long wire carries a current of 3.0 A along the axis of a long solenoid (radius = 3.0 cm, n = 900 turns/m, current = 30 mA). What is the magnitude of the magnetic field at a point 2.0 cm from the axis of the solenoid?

ولكم جزيل الشكر