لكل الباحثين والمهتمين بتقنية النانو
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لا اعلم هل قوانين النمتدى تسمح بالاعلان عن الورشات العلمية ام لا
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"The international conference, workshop and exhibition in nanotechnology" as exhibitors

It will be held in from 28-30 November 2010 in Cairo

Nanotechnology education in Egypt and middle east and all chances available
Nanotechnology career in egypt and middle east and all organizations support work in nanotechnology

registration fees for accepted single oral presentation are 225 L.E.
registration fees for accepted group oral presentation are 200 L.E/person.
with maximum number of members 3 persons per presentation
registration fees for foreigners are 100 euro
those who are not accepted for oral presentation will be accepted for poster presentation
all abstracts must be sent [email protected] or to [email protected]
registration fees are 225L.E. for Egyptians and 100 euro for foreigners for those who would like to attend the workshop with out an oral or poster presentation
welcome to our great event. All you need is to contact us through www.nakaanetwork.page.tl/Contact.htm and provide your information in a message as name, position, nationality, email.if you are Egyptian, the registration fees are 225 Egyptian pounds to be sent to Islamic Egyptian Fesal bank to account no. : 23608 dokki... branch or any other branch and you will receive from the bank a payment confirmation paper. please scan it and send it to [email protected] or to [email protected] to confirm your registration and payment.These fees include only registration to the workshop and all its kits, break, lunch for 3 days and certificate
if you are not Egyptian, the registration fees will be 100 euro to be sent to Islamic Egyptian Fesal bank Dokki branch to account no. : 23608 SWIFT FIEG EG CX DOK and you will receive from the bank a payment confirmation paper. please scan it and send it to [email protected] or [email protected] to confirm...rm your registration and payment.These fees include only registration to the workshop and all its kits, break, lunch for 3 days and certificateIt does not include accommodation or traveling fees
The Scientific integrated solutions academy (Sis academy) together with Nakaa Nanotechnology Network [NNN] are organizing the international workshop in Nanotechnology that will be held from 28-30 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt.The workshop organizers hope that the workshop may include an exhibition that will collect all organizations, companies and univerisities interested in Nanotechnology& pharmacy in Egypt and the middle east.This is a call for sponsorship.you can book your booth for total of 4000 Egyptian pounds for the 3 days of the work shop if you are an Egyptian.For foreigners booking the booth will cost a total of 1500 euro for the 3 days of the workshop. For Exhibitors: Bring your own display to fit the space reserved for your company, to show your product with the best visibility. Establish direct contact at your booth The name and logo of your company will be published in the Conference book for further details, you can contact us on [email protected] or [email protected] or mobile: 01521684185
