Cornell University Library


(astro-ph new, recent, find)
includes: Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics; Earth and Planetary Astrophysics; Galaxy Astrophysics; High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena; Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics; Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Condensed Matter
(cond-mat new, recent, find)
includes: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks; Materials Science; Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics; Other Condensed Matter; Quantum Gases; Soft Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics; Strongly Correlated Electrons; Superconductivity
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
(gr-qc new, recent, find)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
(hep-ex new, recent, find)
High Energy Physics - Lattice
(hep-lat new, recent, find)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
(hep-ph new, recent, find)
High Energy Physics - Theory
(hep-th new, recent, find)
Mathematical Physics
(math-ph new, recent, find)
Nuclear Experiment
(nucl-ex new, recent, find)
Nuclear Theory
(nucl-th new, recent, find)
(physics new, recent, find)
includes: Accelerator Physics; Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics; Atomic Physics; Atomic and Molecular Clusters; Biological Physics; Chemical Physics; Classical Physics; Computational Physics; Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability; Fluid Dynamics; General Physics; Geophysics; History and Philosophy of Physics; Instrumentation and Detectors; Medical Physics; Optics; Physics Education; Physics and Society; Plasma Physics; Popular Physics; Space Physics
Quantum Physics
(quant-ph new, recent, find)

(math new, recent, find)
includes (see detailed de******ion): Algebraic Geometry; Algebraic Topology; Analysis of PDEs; Category Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs; Combinatorics; Commutative Algebra; Complex Variables; Differential Geometry; Dynamical Systems; Functional Analysis; General Mathematics; General Topology; Geometric Topology; Group Theory; History and Overview; Information Theory; K-Theory and Homology; Logic; Mathematical Physics; Metric Geometry; Number Theory; Numerical Analysis; Operator Algebras; Optimization and Control; Probability; Quantum Algebra; Representation Theory; Rings and Algebras; Spectral Theory; Statistics Theory; Symplectic Geometry