تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جزاكم الله خير هل حلي صحيح

05-19-2008, 12:11 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم اخواني واخواتي:

عندي هذه المسالة وحليتها بهاي الطريقة هل حلى للمسالة صحيح

A Gamma photon is used in order to dissociate deuterium into a proton and neutron. the binding energy is
2.22Mev and the rest energies for the proton and neutron are 938Mev and 939Mev respectively. determine the minmum photon energy to achieve this. consider two cases:
1- both proton and neutron acquire collinear equal velocities parallel to the photon Momentum
2-the neutron stays staionary after the collission
3- why non-collinear not considered in this analysis
وحلي كان كالاتي:
my answer for 1:

Binding energy= (total Energy of proton and neutron)- minimum photon energy



for part 2:

since the neutron is stationary so this mean we have a zero energy for neutron and we will left only with proton energy and the minimum photon energy in this case would be:


for part 3:

for non-collinear this is because the momentum is not conserved

شو رايكم بالحل صحيح ولا \\


05-25-2008, 03:49 PM
جزاكم الله خير على مطالعتكم للمسالة
