ماجستير هندسة ليزر
07-07-2007, 02:31 PM
laser is a device amplifies light and produced high directional ,high intensity beam that most often has a very pure frequency or wavelength .The laser is a light source that exhibits unique properties and a wide variety of applications. Lasers are used in welding, surveying, medicine, communication, national defense, and as tools in many areas of scientific research. Many types of lasers are commercially available today, ranging in size from devices that can rest on a fingertip to those that fill large buildings. All these lasers have certain basic characteristic properties in common. it comes in sizes ranging from approximately one tenth the diameter of a human hair to the size of a very large building, in power ranging from 10~9 to 1020 W, and in wavelengths ranging from the microwave to the soft-X-ray spectral regions with corresponding frequencies from 10n to 1017 Hz. Laser have pulse energies as high as 104 J and pulse durations as short as 5 x 10~15 s. The light emitted by lasers is different from that produced by more common light sources such as incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and high-intensity arc lamps. An understanding of the unique properties of laser light may be achieved by contrasting it with the light produced by other, less unique sources .durations as short as 5 x 10~15 s. They can easily drill holes in the most durable of materials and can weld detached retinas within the human eye. They are a key component of some of our most modern communication systems and are the "phonograph needle "of our compact disc players .They perform heat treat-treatment of high-strength materials, such as the pistons of our automobile engines, and provide a special surgical knife for many types of medical procedures. They act as target designators for military weapons and pro- provide for the rapid check-out we have come to expect at the supermarket. What a remarkable range of characteristics for a device that is in only its fifth decade of existence!
هذه بداية وان شاء الله الموضوع الاتي عن خواص الليزر
ان شاء الله سوف امشي في موضوع الليزر step by step
ارجو الرد واذا توجد اضافة ارجو الاضافة
هذه بداية وان شاء الله الموضوع الاتي عن خواص الليزر
ان شاء الله سوف امشي في موضوع الليزر step by step
ارجو الرد واذا توجد اضافة ارجو الاضافة