المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : In Simple Harmonic Motion : What is the relationship between the period and amplitude

01-26-2012, 03:38 PM
We had a lab experiment about (SHM) and there was a question that asked
for graphing Average Period (T) vs Amplitude (A) and then deciding the relation ship between them. However, unlike what I predicted ( Getting approximatelly a horizontal line) I got some thing very different.
( Why did I get this result?help (I am sure of the values I got)

http://www.freeimageuploader.com/i/i074391 (http://www.freeimageuploader.com/i/pi074391)

01-28-2012, 08:17 PM
sorry, I checked my work again and noticed that I didn’t get the correct position for point 2 and 3
And the problem was that I didn’t know about drawing the best fit line.

but, I was surprised that there was no answer. Maybe I should have written in Arabic!

حافظ جاد
01-29-2012, 08:49 AM
:(32): لا يوجد علاقة بين الزمن الدورى و المحدد فى الحركة التوافقية البسيطة
there is not relation between Period and Amplitude in S.H .M
