المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Seminar:Materials Nanostructuring Using Ion Beam Technology

03-22-2011, 11:26 PM
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Joint Seminar
Physics Department &
Center for Research Excellence in Nanotechnology

Speaker: Dr. Ayman Sherif El-Said
Physics Department

Title: Materials Nanostructuring Using Ion Beam Technology


Ion beams are used extensively in etching (erosion), implantation or modifications of solid surfaces. Swift heavy ions ( MeV – GeV kinetic energy) has become an important tool for structural modifications of various materials at the microscale and nanoscale for a wide range of applications in the last two decades. One major limitation of using high-energy ions is the damage creation in deep layers which in some applications should be avoided. The desire to confine the modifications to the first surface layers has stimulated the interest for the use of slow highly charged ions (HCI) as a new nanotechnological tool. Upon interaction with solid surfaces HCI deposit their potential energy within a very short time (typically few fs) within a nanometer size volume close to the surface. It is therefore not astonishing that modifications with nanometer dimensions have been demonstrated for the impact of individual slow highly charged ions on various surfaces (e.g. LiF, CaF2, Si, HOPG, Au). The creation of surface nanostructures is usually only found above a clear and well-defined threshold in potential energy, which can be attributed to a phase change. For possible applications in nanofabrication we currently attempt to create and control the modifications on solid surfaces and thin films with well-defined size in the nanometer region by a variation of the HCI´s potential energy.

Date & Time: Sunday, 27 March 2011, 11:00 am
********: Room 6-125 (Auditorium)

There will be a Get-Together and Coffee before the
Seminar at 10:40-10:55 am in Room 6-125 (Auditorium)

All are cordially invited

المصدر: البريد الإلكتروني من مدير مركز التميز البحثي لتقنية النانو في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن، الظهران، السعودية.