02-27-2007, 08:50 PM
:12: التَّمرُ الهِندِيُّ
مَادَّةٌ تُؤخَذُ مِن أَحَدِ الأَشجَارِ الاِستِوَائِيَّةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Tamarind : A substance from a tropical tree. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
اِلتِهَابُ الأُذُنِ الوُسطَى
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لِاِلتِهَابِ الأُذُنِ الوُسطَى
Otitis media : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of otitis media (middle era infection).
اِلتِهَابُ غُلَافِ القَلبِ
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لِاِلتِهَابِ غُلَافِ القَلبِ
Pericarditis : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of pericarditis.
أَحَدُ العُلُومِ الرِّيَاضِيَّةِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Algebra : A mathematical science originated by Muslim scientists.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلجُدَرِي كَمَا كَانُوا أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لَهُ
Smallpox : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of smallpox. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this fatal disease.
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِكتَشَفَ أَنَّ الجُذَامَ مَرَضٌ عُضوِيٌّ
Leprosy : Muslim scientists were the first to determine leprosy a solely physical disease.
الجَذرُ التَّربِيعِيُّ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَطوِيرِ مَفهُومِ الجَذرِ التَّربِيعِيِّ
Square roots : Muslim scientists contributed to the development of the concept of square roots.
فَرعٌ مِن فُرُوعِ الطِّبِّ يَدرُسُ تَشخِيصَ وَعِلَاجَ الجُرُوحِ وَالإِصَابَاتِ وَالأَمرَاضِ، وَهُوَ أَحَدُ العُلُومِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Surgery : The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease. It was originated by Muslim scientists.
الجِرمُ السَّمَاوِيُّ لِلشَّمسِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الجِرمِ السَّمَاوِيِّ لِلشَّمسِ
Solar parallax : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of solar parallax
الجُرُوحُ وَالإِصَابَاتُ
قَدَّمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ بَحثٍ فِي الجُرُوحِ وَالإِصَابَاتِ
Trauma : Muslim scientists wrote the first treatise on trauma surgery in patients.
نَبَاتٌ لَهُ جُذُورٌ تُستَخدَمُ كَمُسَهِّلٍ، وَكَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهَا فِي أَغرَاضِ التَّدَاوِي
Jalap : A plant whose roots are used as a cathartic. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists.
الحِبَالُ الغَلِيظَةُ
لِلاِستِخدَامِ فِي السُّفُنِ، أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Cables : For use in shipping, introduced to the West by Muslims.
صَبغَةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الكِتَابَةِ وَالطِّبَاعَةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Ink : A pigment used especially for writing or printing, introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَسِيجٌ رَقِيقٌ لَامِعٌ يُمكِنُ الحُصُولُ عَلَيهِ مِن يَرَقَاتِ دُودَةِ القَزِّ، وَقَد أَخَذَه الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Silk : A fine, shiny fiber produced by fibrous secretion of silkworms. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلحَصبَةِ، كَمَا كَانُوا أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لَهَا
Measles : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of measles. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this disease.
الحُقنَةُ الشَّرَجِيَّةُ
حَقنُ المُستَقِيمِ عَن طَرِيقِ الشَّرَجِ لِغَسِيلِ الأَمعَاءِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Enema : The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing the bowels. This medical procedure was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
الحِنطَةُ السَّودَاءُ
ثِمَارُ نَبَاتٍ حَولِيٍّ يَنبُتُ فِي آسيَا، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Buckwheat : The edible fruits of an annual Asian plant, introduced to the West by Muslims.
تَصوِيرٌ - يَكُونُ فِي الغَالِبِ عَلَى سَطحٍ مُستَوٍ - لِمِنطَقَةٍ مَا عَلَى الأَرضِ أَو فِي السَّمَاءِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Map : A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
فَنُّ تَحسِينِ الخَطِّ اليَدَوِيِّ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَهُ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Calligraphy : The art of fine handwriting. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلدَّرَنِ
Tuberculosis : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of tuberculosis.
الدُّرُوعُ الحَدِيدِيَّةُ (الخَفِيفَةُ)
أَدَوَاتٌ حَربِيَّةٌ أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Steel (light-weight) armor : Military defensive covering introduced to the West by Muslims
لَوحَةٌ تُثَبَّتُ فِي وَضعٍ رَأسِيٍّ فِي مُؤَخِّرَةِ السَّفِينَةِ لِتَوجِيهِ مَسَارِهَا، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Rudder : A vertically hinged plate mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course. It was first introduced to the West by Muslims.
الدَّورَةُ الرِّئَوِيَّةُ
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن شَخَّصَ الدَّورَةَ الرِّئَوِيَّةَ
Pulmonary circulation : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct de******ion of pulmonary circulation.
الدِّينَامِيكَا الحَرَارِيَّةُ
عِلمُ الطَّبِيعَةِ الَّذِي يَعنَى بِالعَلَاقَاتِ بَينَ الحَرَارَةِ وَمَصَادِرِ الطَّاقَةِ الأُخرَى، وَهُوَ مِنَ العُلُومِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Thermodynamics : Physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy. It was advanced by Muslim scientists.
عُشبٌ مِن الفَصِيلَةِ البَطبَاطِيَّةِ، وَكَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهُ فِي الأَغرَاضِ الطِّبِّيَّةِ
Rhubarb : A herb developed for medical use by Muslim scientists.
أَدَاةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الفَلَكِ وَالمِلَاحَةِ لِقِيَاسِ الاِرتِفَاعِ وَتَتَأَلَّفُ مِن قَوسٍ مُقَسَّمٍ إِلَى 90 دَرَجَةً، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Quadrant : An early instrument for measuring altitude of celestial bodies, consisting of a 90° graduated arch. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientist.
الرَّمزُ الغَربِيُّ لِلصِّفرِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي اِختِرَاعِ الرَّمزِ الغَربِيِّ لِلصِّفرِ
Western symbol for Zero : Muslim scientists contributed to the invention of the western symbol for Zero.
الرُّمُوزُ فِي عَمَلِيَّاتِ الضَّربِ وَالجَمعِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي اِستِخدَامِ الرُّمُوزِ فِي عَمَلِيَّاتِ الضَّربِ وَالجَمعِ
Symbols for multiplication and addition : Muslim scientists contributed to the use of symbols for multiplication and addition.
الزُّجَاجُ المُلَوَّنُ
مَادَّةٌ أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Colored glass : A substance introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَسِيجٌ نَاعِمٌ لَامِعُ الظَّاهِرِ مُعتِمُ البَاطِنِ، وَقَد أَخَذَهُ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Satin : A smooth fabric woven with a glossy face and a dull back. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَدَاةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي قِيَاسِ وَتَحدِيدِ الوَقتِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Clock : An instrument for measuring and indicating time. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
فَرشٌ ثَخِينٌ تُغَطَّى بِهِ الأَرضِيَّاتُ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Carpets : A thick heavy covering for the floors, introduced to the West by Muslims.
آلَةٌ مِلَاحِيَّةٌ تَتَكَوَّنُ مِن قَوسٍ مُدَرَّجٍ يَبلُغُ 60 دَرَجَةً، تُستَخدَمُ لِقِيَاسِ اِرتِفَاعِ الأَجرَامِ السَّمَاوِيَّةِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Sextant : A navigational instrument containing a graduated 60-degree arc, used for measuring the altitudes of celestial bodies. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
مَقعَدٌ جِلدِيٌّ يَستَقِرُّ عَلَيهِ رَاكِبُ الفَرَسِ أَو الدَّابَّةِ وَيُثَبَّتُ بِحِزَامٍ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Saddles : A leather seat for a rider, secured on an animal’s back by a girth, introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَوعٌ مِنَ الجُذُورِ يُستَخدَمُ كَمُسَهِّلٍ، وَكَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهُ فِي الأَغرَاضِ الطِّبِّيَّةِ وَنَقَلُوهُ لِلغَربِ
Scammony : A root introduced for medical purposes to the West by Muslims.
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن وَصَفَ وُجُودَ السُّكَّرِ بِالدَّمِ
Sugar : Muslim scientists were the first to describe the presence of sugar in blood.
مَادَّةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الدِّبَاغَةِ وَالصِّبَاغَةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Sumac : A substance used in tanning leather and dying. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن لَاحَظَ أَنَّ زِيَادَةَ المَوَادِّ النَّشَوِيَّةِ يُسَبِّبُ السِّمنَةَ
Obesity : Muslim scientists were the first to observe that excess consumption of dietary carbohydrates causes obesity.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلسَّيَلَانِ
Gonorrhea : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of Gonorrhea.
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن وَصَفَ طَبِيعَةَ وَتَشرِيحَ الشَّبَكِيَّةِ
Retina : Muslim scientists made the first correct de******ion of the anatomy and physiology of the retina
مَادَّةٌ تُؤخَذُ مِن أَحَدِ الأَشجَارِ الاِستِوَائِيَّةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Tamarind : A substance from a tropical tree. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
اِلتِهَابُ الأُذُنِ الوُسطَى
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لِاِلتِهَابِ الأُذُنِ الوُسطَى
Otitis media : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of otitis media (middle era infection).
اِلتِهَابُ غُلَافِ القَلبِ
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لِاِلتِهَابِ غُلَافِ القَلبِ
Pericarditis : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of pericarditis.
أَحَدُ العُلُومِ الرِّيَاضِيَّةِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Algebra : A mathematical science originated by Muslim scientists.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلجُدَرِي كَمَا كَانُوا أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لَهُ
Smallpox : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of smallpox. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this fatal disease.
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِكتَشَفَ أَنَّ الجُذَامَ مَرَضٌ عُضوِيٌّ
Leprosy : Muslim scientists were the first to determine leprosy a solely physical disease.
الجَذرُ التَّربِيعِيُّ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَطوِيرِ مَفهُومِ الجَذرِ التَّربِيعِيِّ
Square roots : Muslim scientists contributed to the development of the concept of square roots.
فَرعٌ مِن فُرُوعِ الطِّبِّ يَدرُسُ تَشخِيصَ وَعِلَاجَ الجُرُوحِ وَالإِصَابَاتِ وَالأَمرَاضِ، وَهُوَ أَحَدُ العُلُومِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Surgery : The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease. It was originated by Muslim scientists.
الجِرمُ السَّمَاوِيُّ لِلشَّمسِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الجِرمِ السَّمَاوِيِّ لِلشَّمسِ
Solar parallax : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of solar parallax
الجُرُوحُ وَالإِصَابَاتُ
قَدَّمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ بَحثٍ فِي الجُرُوحِ وَالإِصَابَاتِ
Trauma : Muslim scientists wrote the first treatise on trauma surgery in patients.
نَبَاتٌ لَهُ جُذُورٌ تُستَخدَمُ كَمُسَهِّلٍ، وَكَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهَا فِي أَغرَاضِ التَّدَاوِي
Jalap : A plant whose roots are used as a cathartic. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists.
الحِبَالُ الغَلِيظَةُ
لِلاِستِخدَامِ فِي السُّفُنِ، أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Cables : For use in shipping, introduced to the West by Muslims.
صَبغَةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الكِتَابَةِ وَالطِّبَاعَةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Ink : A pigment used especially for writing or printing, introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَسِيجٌ رَقِيقٌ لَامِعٌ يُمكِنُ الحُصُولُ عَلَيهِ مِن يَرَقَاتِ دُودَةِ القَزِّ، وَقَد أَخَذَه الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Silk : A fine, shiny fiber produced by fibrous secretion of silkworms. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلحَصبَةِ، كَمَا كَانُوا أَوَّلَ مَن قَامَ بِتَشخِيصٍ دَقِيقٍ لَهَا
Measles : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of measles. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this disease.
الحُقنَةُ الشَّرَجِيَّةُ
حَقنُ المُستَقِيمِ عَن طَرِيقِ الشَّرَجِ لِغَسِيلِ الأَمعَاءِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Enema : The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing the bowels. This medical procedure was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
الحِنطَةُ السَّودَاءُ
ثِمَارُ نَبَاتٍ حَولِيٍّ يَنبُتُ فِي آسيَا، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Buckwheat : The edible fruits of an annual Asian plant, introduced to the West by Muslims.
تَصوِيرٌ - يَكُونُ فِي الغَالِبِ عَلَى سَطحٍ مُستَوٍ - لِمِنطَقَةٍ مَا عَلَى الأَرضِ أَو فِي السَّمَاءِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Map : A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
فَنُّ تَحسِينِ الخَطِّ اليَدَوِيِّ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَهُ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Calligraphy : The art of fine handwriting. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلدَّرَنِ
Tuberculosis : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of tuberculosis.
الدُّرُوعُ الحَدِيدِيَّةُ (الخَفِيفَةُ)
أَدَوَاتٌ حَربِيَّةٌ أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Steel (light-weight) armor : Military defensive covering introduced to the West by Muslims
لَوحَةٌ تُثَبَّتُ فِي وَضعٍ رَأسِيٍّ فِي مُؤَخِّرَةِ السَّفِينَةِ لِتَوجِيهِ مَسَارِهَا، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Rudder : A vertically hinged plate mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course. It was first introduced to the West by Muslims.
الدَّورَةُ الرِّئَوِيَّةُ
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن شَخَّصَ الدَّورَةَ الرِّئَوِيَّةَ
Pulmonary circulation : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct de******ion of pulmonary circulation.
الدِّينَامِيكَا الحَرَارِيَّةُ
عِلمُ الطَّبِيعَةِ الَّذِي يَعنَى بِالعَلَاقَاتِ بَينَ الحَرَارَةِ وَمَصَادِرِ الطَّاقَةِ الأُخرَى، وَهُوَ مِنَ العُلُومِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ
Thermodynamics : Physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy. It was advanced by Muslim scientists.
عُشبٌ مِن الفَصِيلَةِ البَطبَاطِيَّةِ، وَكَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهُ فِي الأَغرَاضِ الطِّبِّيَّةِ
Rhubarb : A herb developed for medical use by Muslim scientists.
أَدَاةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الفَلَكِ وَالمِلَاحَةِ لِقِيَاسِ الاِرتِفَاعِ وَتَتَأَلَّفُ مِن قَوسٍ مُقَسَّمٍ إِلَى 90 دَرَجَةً، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Quadrant : An early instrument for measuring altitude of celestial bodies, consisting of a 90° graduated arch. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientist.
الرَّمزُ الغَربِيُّ لِلصِّفرِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي اِختِرَاعِ الرَّمزِ الغَربِيِّ لِلصِّفرِ
Western symbol for Zero : Muslim scientists contributed to the invention of the western symbol for Zero.
الرُّمُوزُ فِي عَمَلِيَّاتِ الضَّربِ وَالجَمعِ
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي اِستِخدَامِ الرُّمُوزِ فِي عَمَلِيَّاتِ الضَّربِ وَالجَمعِ
Symbols for multiplication and addition : Muslim scientists contributed to the use of symbols for multiplication and addition.
الزُّجَاجُ المُلَوَّنُ
مَادَّةٌ أَخَذَهَا الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Colored glass : A substance introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَسِيجٌ نَاعِمٌ لَامِعُ الظَّاهِرِ مُعتِمُ البَاطِنِ، وَقَد أَخَذَهُ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Satin : A smooth fabric woven with a glossy face and a dull back. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
أَدَاةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي قِيَاسِ وَتَحدِيدِ الوَقتِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Clock : An instrument for measuring and indicating time. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
فَرشٌ ثَخِينٌ تُغَطَّى بِهِ الأَرضِيَّاتُ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Carpets : A thick heavy covering for the floors, introduced to the West by Muslims.
آلَةٌ مِلَاحِيَّةٌ تَتَكَوَّنُ مِن قَوسٍ مُدَرَّجٍ يَبلُغُ 60 دَرَجَةً، تُستَخدَمُ لِقِيَاسِ اِرتِفَاعِ الأَجرَامِ السَّمَاوِيَّةِ، وَهِيَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Sextant : A navigational instrument containing a graduated 60-degree arc, used for measuring the altitudes of celestial bodies. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists.
مَقعَدٌ جِلدِيٌّ يَستَقِرُّ عَلَيهِ رَاكِبُ الفَرَسِ أَو الدَّابَّةِ وَيُثَبَّتُ بِحِزَامٍ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Saddles : A leather seat for a rider, secured on an animal’s back by a girth, introduced to the West by Muslims.
نَوعٌ مِنَ الجُذُورِ يُستَخدَمُ كَمُسَهِّلٍ، وَكَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن اِستَخدَمَهُ فِي الأَغرَاضِ الطِّبِّيَّةِ وَنَقَلُوهُ لِلغَربِ
Scammony : A root introduced for medical purposes to the West by Muslims.
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن وَصَفَ وُجُودَ السُّكَّرِ بِالدَّمِ
Sugar : Muslim scientists were the first to describe the presence of sugar in blood.
مَادَّةٌ تُستَخدَمُ فِي الدِّبَاغَةِ وَالصِّبَاغَةِ، وَهُوَ مِمَّا أَخَذَ الغَربُ عَن المُسلِمِينَ
Sumac : A substance used in tanning leather and dying. It was introduced to the West by Muslims.
كَانَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن لَاحَظَ أَنَّ زِيَادَةَ المَوَادِّ النَّشَوِيَّةِ يُسَبِّبُ السِّمنَةَ
Obesity : Muslim scientists were the first to observe that excess consumption of dietary carbohydrates causes obesity.
أَسهَمَ العُلَمَاءُ المُسلِمُونَ فِي تَحدِيدِ الطَّبِيعَةِ الاِنتِقَالِيَّةِ لِلسَّيَلَانِ
Gonorrhea : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of Gonorrhea.
كَانَ المُسلِمُونَ أَوَّلَ مَن وَصَفَ طَبِيعَةَ وَتَشرِيحَ الشَّبَكِيَّةِ
Retina : Muslim scientists made the first correct de******ion of the anatomy and physiology of the retina