المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : شاركوني في حل هذه الاسئلة

10-22-2010, 05:12 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أتمنى منكم أخوان الكرام مساعدتي في حل هذه الاسئلة
ولكم خالص التحية والاحترام

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810865.cw/hint/1/index.html)Aristotle believed that both natural and unnatural forces make things move. heavy objects fall faster than lighter objects. motion can occur without a force. all of the choices http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/pixel.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_left.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_right.gif

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810866.cw/hint/2/index.html)What quantity is equal to distance divided by time? speed mass height weight

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810867.cw/hint/3/index.html)What is the difference between speed and velocity? Speed depends on friction but velocity does not. Velocity is constant, but speed is variable. Velocity is speed squared. Velocity is a measurement of speed and direction.

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810868.cw/hint/4/index.html)Which of the following statements is true about motion? Motion can be measured by subtracting the weight of an object from its speed. Motion is equivalent to velocity. Motion is always relative. In other words, one object always moves relative to another. all of the choices none of the choices

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810869.cw/hint/5/index.html)When you hold a rock in your hand at rest, the forces on the rock are due to the upward push of your hand. cancel to zero. do not act unless the rock is dropped. are forces due to gravity. none of the choices all of the choices
http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810870.cw/hint/6/index.html)Harry lets his kid brother piggy back on him. Harry weighs 400 N and his kid brother weighs 200 N. The support force supplied by the floor must be 200 N. 400 N. 600 N. none of these

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810871.cw/hint/7/index.html)Burl and Paul have combined weights of 1300 N. The tensions in the supporting ropes that support the scaffold they stand on adds to 1700 N. the weight of the scaffold itself must be 1300 N. 400 N. 100 N. 500 N.http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/pixel.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_left.gif

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810872.cw/hint/8/index.html)Which of the following statements is true of Newton’s first law of motion? Objects are in constant motion, even if no force is acting upon them. Objects continue in their state of motion unless acted on by a net force. Objects will depart from a straight line path if gravity does not act to keep them moving straight ahead. all of the choices

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810873.cw/hint/9/index.html)If you pull on a chair with 20 newtons of force and your friend pulls on it in the opposite direction with 10 newtons of force, the net force will be 10 newtons. dependent on the weight of the chair. 200 newtons. 30 newtons.http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/pixel.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_left.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_right.gif

http://wps.aw.com/wps/media/objects/6651/6810847/_skins_/P/places_blue/hint_button.gif (http://wps.aw.com/aw_hewitt_cpse_2/103/26604/6810874.cw/hint/10/index.html)A vase sits on a table, which is held to Earth by gravity. What is the support force on the vase equal to? the weight of the vase the weight of the table the force of gravity minus the weight of the vase the weight of the table plus the weight of the vasehttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/pixel.gifhttp://wps.aw.com/wps/media/styles/1940/_skins_/P/places_blue/ps_bkgd_lower_left.gif