تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مين يساعدني في الحل

مرام حسن
09-26-2010, 05:46 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اتمنى من الله ان يكونوا اعضاء المنتدي كلهم بخير

بصراحه عندي اسئله وعرفت احلها الا سؤالين اتمني انكم تساعدوني فيهم لان تسلم الواجب نهايه الاسبوع

السؤال الاول

Given the first ionization energy of H is 13.6 eV, to what electronic transition would you assign the bright red line at 1.89 eV in the emission spectrum of H.

From ****l 1

From ****l 2

From ****l 3

From ****l 4

From ****l 5

From ****l 6

To ****l 1

To ****l 2

To ****l 3

To ****l 4

To ****l 5

To ****l 6

مرام حسن
09-26-2010, 05:48 PM
اما السؤال الثاني فهو
Check all the correct answers. CH2Cl2:

has one C2 axis of rotation

has two C2 axis of rotation

has three C2 axis of rotation

has one plane of symmetry, σh

has two plane of symmetry, σv

has three planes of symmetry, two σv’s plus one σh

has a center of symmetry, i

belongs to point group C2

belongs to point group C2v

belongs to point group C2h

belongs to point group D2

belongs to point group D2h

10-07-2010, 09:50 PM
ماعرفت الحل!!!!
لاكن الاخوان يساعدونك....يارب