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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : قائمة في الجامعات التي تدرس نانو

06-24-2010, 02:47 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أهلا بكم جميعا
من خلال بحثي عن الجامعات التي تدرس تخصص نانو حبيت أشاركم ببعض المواقع وأسماء الجامعات من باب حب لأخيك ما تحب لنفس
وحتى أختصر عليكم وقت وجهد كبير
ومن خلال بحثي عن الجامعات وجدت أن أغلب الجامعات التي تدرس تخصص نانو تكون مدرجة ضمن أقسام معينة وليست مستقلة
مثلا تكون تحت قسم الفيزياء أو قسم الكيمياء أو الهندسة وغيرها
ولم أجد إلا جامعة واحده فقط تدرس نانو كتخصص مستقل وهي جامعة
University at Albany – SUNYs

وفيها كلية العلون النانوية والهندسة
) College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE
ويندرج تحتها عدد من التخصصات الدقيقة جدا
وهي تعتبر أول كلية مختصه بتدريس النانو في العالم وأعتقد أنها مازالت الوحيدة
وفي عام 2007 احتلت الكلية المركز الأول من بين التخصصات النانوية
لا أطيل عليكم هذه هي أسماء الجامعات

In conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania, an Associate Degree in Nanobiotechnology is now offered at community colleges in Pennsylvania.
Dakota County Technical College (Rosemount, Minn.) in conjunction with the University of Minnesota, Associate in Applied Science degree in Nanoscience Technology

City University of New York offers a Ph.D. in Nanotechnology & Materials Chemistry as part of the Ph.D. program in chemistry.

Louisiana Tech University offers a Bachelor of Science in Nanosystems Engineering, a Master of Science in Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology, and an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Engineering that focuses on micro/nanosystems.

Rice University offers a Professional Master of Science in Nanoscale Physics

University at Albany College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), offers a Ph.D. and a MS in both Nanoscale Science and Nanoscale Engineering. It also offers two dual-degree "Nano+MBA" programs: MS in Nanoscale Science/Masters of Business Administration and MS in Nanoscale Engineering/Masters of Business Administration.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Ph.D. Program in Nanoscale Science

University of Washington, Ph.D. in Nanotechnology

North Seattle Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science-T degree in nanotechnology, soon to be joined by a certificate program.

Examples of Programs and Courses on Nanoscale Science and Engineering Offered in U.S. Colleges and Universities

Cornell University, Nanobiotechnology Course

Florida Institute of Technology, Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Lab Course

George Mason University, Graduate Certificate in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

Kansas State University, Visual Quantum Mechanics

Michigan Technological University, interdisciplinary minor in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (Nanotechnology)

Normandale Community College, Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nanotechnology with emphasis in vacuum technology and surface science or semiconductor process technician.

Penn State University, Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) Capstone Semester, for two-year colleges

Purdue University, Graduate Level Courses in Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Nanostructured Materials

Rice University, Introduction to Nanoscience

University of Central Florida, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Track (B.S.) Liberal Studies Major

University of Maryland, Nano-related Courses at UMD

University of Texas at Austin’s Doctoral Portfolio Program in Nanotechnology is a certification program which provides a formal mechanism for recognizing and rewarding students who obtain the broad educational background necessary to become leaders in nanotechnology after graduation.

University of Washington, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the Joint Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Intensive Courses in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

University of Wisconsin - Madison and other institutions collaborating with the UW Materials Research Science and Engineering Center on Nanostructured Interfaces,Nano-related Course Information and Syllabi

University of Wisconsin - Stout offers a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science with Nanoscience Concentration and Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technologywith a Concentration in Nanotechnology. UW-Stout also offers four undergraduate courses in Nanoscience/Nanotechnology.
Other Resources:
Every summer, the National Nanofabrication Infrastructure Network hosts a Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (NNIN REU) from June to August. Engineering and science students with a genuine interest in nanotechnology are eligible if they are not graduating before the end of the program in August. Also, applicants must be Citizens or Permanent Residents of the United States. Minority and female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. For the full program information, please visit the NNIN REU Information Center.

Cornell University, Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Nanobiotechnology Center
Northwestern University, Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center

University of Central Florida, Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Nanoscience and Technology Center

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NanoSURE Undergraduate Research Program

وللاستزادة زورو الرابط التالي


ومن يريد الجامعات التي تدرس نانو في دول أخرى على الرابط التالي


06-24-2010, 04:08 PM
ما شاء الله رائع جداً جمعك لكل هذه الجامعات والكليات

موضوعك يستحق أن أثبته ليبقى في صدارة مواضيع هذا المنتدى الفرعي (أين أدرس؟ أريد عمل بحث..)

الله يبارك في جهدك ووقتك الذي ستوفر به جهد ووقت الكثير من أعضاء وزوار المنتدى

12-19-2010, 04:03 PM
بارك الله فيك اخي الكريم

ولكن الاحظ ان جامعات كندا تعطي تخصص تقنيه نانو للبكالوريوس وليس للماستر

12-24-2010, 03:24 PM
الله يعطيك العافية على الموضوع الرائع


12-24-2011, 08:19 AM