المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تفضل معجم المصطلحات الالكترونية ( التعليم االكتروني )

03-15-2010, 02:11 AM
لاشك بأن كل علم له مصطلحاته التي هي مفاتيح فهمه وضبطه ...
وفي حركة النقل والترجمة بين اللغات تنشأ مشكلة المصطلح كون المصطلح هو إبن البيئة التي نشأ بها ، لذلك نحاول من خلال هذا الرابط المتجدد دوما أن نضع كل المصطلحات العلمية التي تحتاجها الترجمة ، ونتبادل عبره الأسئلة والاستفسارات حول العبارات والألفاظ التي تحتاج لاستشارة المختصين وأصحاب الخبرة ..
كي نخرج من ذلك كله بذخيرة علمية رصينة وواعية ببصمة مشرقة وراسخة تقدم كجهد عربي ناضج

سيقوم ترتيب قاموس المصطلحات على فرعين :
الفرع الأول: ويعنى بالاختصارات العلمية الشائعة في بيئة التعليم الالكتروني : إذ من المعروف أنه تكثر الاختصارات عند كتابة الأبحاث والمقالات مما قد يشعر القارئ بنوع من الإرباك حيال فهمها لذلك سنقوم بوضع الكلمات الأصلية للاختصارات ثم معاني هذه الكلمات بالانتقال إلى الفرع الثاني من خدمات القاموس
الفرع الثاني : وضع مفاهيم سريعة للمصطلحات العلمية كما وردت في المصادر الموثوقة في التعليم الالكتروني ثم وضع الترجمة العربية لها علما بأن المصطلحات سيتم ترتيبها بحسب الترتيب الأبجدي للحروف الانجليزية ليسهل الوصول إليها .
وقد اخترنا هذه الطريقة لنجمع أكبر قد من الفائدة بين يدي المتصفح للمنتدى

ونظرا لأن الاختصارات هي فرع عن المصطلحات فقد تم دمج مفهوم كل من المصطلح والاختصار مادام كلاهما يبدآن بالحرف نفسه ..

المصطلحات مقتبسة من المواقع التالية :-

http://www.e-learningguru.com/gloss.htm (http://www.e-learningguru.com/gloss.htm)

03-15-2010, 02:12 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بحرف ( A )

AssessmentThe process used to systematically evaluate a learner’s skill or knowledge leve

عملية تستخدم لقياس مستوى و خبرة المتدرب.

Asynchronous Learning
Learning in which interaction between instructors and students occurs intermittently with a time delay. Examples are self-paced courses taken via the Internet or CD-ROM, Q&A mentoring, online discussion groups, and email.

التعليم غير المتزامن
عملية التعليم غير المتزامن. و هي أن تكون التعليمية بين المدرب و المتدرب غير مباشرة و غير محكومة بوقت محدد, بل على فترات مختلفة. و مثاله التعليم الذاتي عن طريق الانترنت أو الأقراص المدمجة (CD-ROM) و المنتديات والبريد الإلكتروني .

Authoring Tool
A software application or program used by trainers and instructional designers to create e-learning courseware. Types of authoring tools include instructionally focused authoring tools, *** authoring and programming tools, template-focused authoring tools, knowledge capture systems, and **** and file creation tools.

أداة البناء و التأليف
برنامج يستخدمه المدرب أو المصمم التدريبي لإنشاء مادة إلكترونية. و من أنواع أدوات البناء و التأليف: أدوات التأليف الخاصة بالتصميم التدريبي, أدوات التأليف الخاص بالبرمجة, أدوات التأليف خاصة بالقوالب و غيرها...

A characteristic of technology that enables people with disabilities to use it. For example, accessible ***sites can be navigated by people with visual, hearing, motor, or cognitive impairments. Accessible design also benefits people with older or slower software and hardware. .


ADL )Advanced Distributed Learning):
Initiative by the U.S. Department of Defense to achieve interoperability across computer and Internet-based learning courseware through the development of a common technical framework, which contains ******* in the form of reusable learning objects. See also SCORM and the ADL ***site.

مبادرة من وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية لتحقيق التفاعل بين الحاسوب والتعلم عبر الانترنت ؛ عن طريق وضع إطار فني مشترك ، يتضمن المحتوى التعليمي في شكل وحدات تعليمية قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام . وللتعرف أكثر على ذلك ينظر إلى سكورم وموقع ADL على الانترنت


ADSL )Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line):
A type of DSL that uses the majority of the bandwidth to transmit information to the user and a small part of the bandwidth to receive information from the user.

نوعع من خطوط الاشتراك DSL يستخدم جزءا كبيرا من النطاق الترددي لنقل المعلومات إلى المستخدم ، ثم تستخدم جزءا صغيرا من النطاق الترددي لاستقبال المعلومات من المستخدم .


AICC )Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee):
An international association of technology-based training professionals that develops training guidelines for the aviation industry. AICC has and is developing standards for interoperability of computer-based and computer-managed training products across multiple industries. See the AICC ***site.

الرابطة الدولية للتدريب التكنولوجي تقوم بتطوير أدلة إرشادية لصناعة الطيران . AICC قامت بتطوير معايير لتحقيق التبادل بين الحاسوب والتدريب المدار عبر الحاسوب عن طريق طرح المنتجات الهامة في هذه الصناعة . للمزيد يرجع إلى موقع AICC على الانترنت


The amount of variety in a signal. Commonly thought of as the height of a wave.

المدى الترددي
أحجام مختلفة من الإشارة ، ويدل المصطلح عموما على ذروة الموجة


A signal that’s received in the same form in which it is transmitted, although the amplitude and frequency may vary.

الإشارة التي تستقبل بنفس الشكل التي تم تحويلها به ، على الرغم من ضخامة النطاق الترددي لها .


AoD (audio on demand): See CoD.


API )application program interface):
The set of tools used by a programmer to create a computer program.

مجموعة أدوات يستخدمها المبرمج لإنشاء برنامج حاسوبي


A small application. See also Java applet.

برنامج تطبيقي حاسوبي صغير


Computer software; also called a program. There are many types of software that fit into the category of application. Application software is distinct from other forms of software, such as operating system and utility software.

برامج حاسوبية يطلق عليها أيضا اسم PROGRAM . وهناك العديد من أنواع البرامج التي تندرج تحت فئة الطلب APPLICATION. وهي في المجمل برامج متميزة عن غيرها مختصة بتطبيقات متعددة من مثل : برامج التشغيل ، وبرامج الاستخدام .


ASCII ) American Standard Code for Information Interexchange):
A computer code in which characters such as letters and symbols are converted into numbers that the computer can understand.

الشفرة الحاسوبية التي تعمل على تحويل أي كائنات من مثل الحروف والرموز إلى أعداد يستطيع الحاسوب فهمها والتعامل معها .

ASP )Active Server Pages):
A programming environment that combines elements of HTML and ******ing. ***pages built with ASP can change dynamically based on user input.

بيئة برمجية تجمع بين وحدات لغة HIML والرموز الكتابية. وصفحات الويب أنشأت ب ASP ممكن تغييرها اعتمادا على مدخلات المتسخدمين .

ASP ) application service provider):
A third-party organization that supplies software applications and/or software-related services over the Internet. ASPs allow companies to save money, time, and resources by outsourcing some or all of their information technology needs

ASPs مزودو خدمات الانترنت تتيح للشركات توفير المال والوقت والموارد من مصادر خارجية فى مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات


03-15-2010, 02:12 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بحرف ( B)

Blended Learning
Learning events that combine aspects of online and face-to-face instruction.

التعليم المدمج
حينما يدمج المدرب بين التعليم التقليدي و التعليم الإلكتروني.
An extension of the personal ***site consisting of regular journal-like entries posted on a ***page for public viewing. Blogs usually contain links to other ***sites along with the thoughts, comments, and personality of the blog’s creator

المدونات : هي امتدادات لمواقع فردية تتكون من صفحات خاصة وروابط لمواقع أخرى ويقوم الشخص على تحريرها وهي غالبا ما تحمل الطابع الذاتي للمصمم

A ***page link stored in a browser for quick and easy retrieval.

العلامات :
ربط صفحة النت بأخرى موجودة على نفس المتصفح عبر رابط يعمل عند الضغط على الكلمة أو العبارة مثلا والهدف منها سرعة وتيسير الوصول للمعلومة المطلوبة


A primary communication path connecting multiple users.

مجال الاتصال الأساس والرئيسي والذي يربط عدة مستخدمين


A range of frequencies between defined upper and lower limits.

مجموعة من الترددات المحددة بين حدين أحدهما أعلى والآخر أدنى

The nformation carrying capacity of a communication channel.


A measure of data transmission speed. At low speeds, baud is equal to the bits transmitted per second (bps). At higher speeds, one baud can represent more than one bit.

مقياس سرعة نقل البيانات ، ففي السرعة المنخفضة فإن الباوند يساوي عدد البايتات المنقولة في الثانية . وفي السرعة العالية فإن الباوند الواحد يمكن أن تقدر بأكثر من بايت واحد .


BBS )bulletin board system):
An online community run on a host computer that users can dial or log into in order to post messages on public discussion boards, send and receive email, chat with other users, and upload and download files. BBSs are ****-based and often related to the specific hobbies or interests of their creators.

نظام لوحة الإعلانات : هو عبارة عن حاسوب مضيف يمكن المستخدمين من دخوله والتسجيل فيه لإرسال الرسائل أو إجراء المناقشات العامة ، والمحادثات الحية مع مستخدمين آخرين ويمكنهم من تحميل وتنزيل الملفات المختلفة ، وهو يعتمد على الشكل الخطي وغالبا ما تستخدم هذه الخدمات لإبراز المواهب الخاصة والقدرات الإبداعية في الكتابة ونحوها وخير أمثلة عليها المنتديات ومواقع النقاش


Binary code:
A coding system made up of numbers expressed in base-2 notation, using only the digits 0 and 1.

نظام الترميز الذي يعتمد على خانات ثنائية مستخدما الأعداد من صفر إلى 1

The most basic unit of information on a computer. In accordance with binary code, each bit is designated as either a 1 or a 0; all other information stored on the computer is composed of combinations of bits.

البايت : هو أبسط وحدة معلومات في الحاسوب وهي تتكون من ثنائي رقمي بحيث يتكون كل بايت من رقم مابين 1-0 ، وهكذا فإن جميع المعلومات في الحاسوب هي خليط من هذه الأرقام والتي تسمى بايتات


A wireless networking technology using radio waves that enables users to send data and voice signals between electronic devices over short distances.

الربط اللاسلكي الذي يستخدم الموجات اللاسلكية والتي تمكن المستخدمين من إرسال واستقبال البيانات والإشارات الصوتية بين الأجهزة الالكترونية لمسافات قصيرة وهي غالبا ما تستفيد من تقنية جهاز المذياع


Bps )bits per second):
A measurement of data transmission speed in a communications system; the number of bits transmitted or received each second.

قياس سرعة نقل البيانات في نظام الاتصالات ، أي عدد هذه البايتات التي يتم نقلها وتحويلها واستقبالها كل ثانية .


A device linking two or more sections of a network.

أداة ربط وحدتين أو أكثر في الشبكة

1) In layperson’s terms, high speed transmission of data. In this use, the specific speed that defines broadband is subjective; the word often implies any speed above what is commonly used at the time.
2) In technical terms, transmission over a network in which more than one signal is carried at a time. Broadband technology can transmit data, audio, and video all at once over long distances. See also narrowband.


noun) Television or radio signals designed to reach a mass audience. (Some ***sites offer original or redistributed broadcasts--see ***cast.)
1) To transmit television or radio signals.
2) To email or fax a message to multiple recipients simultaneously; to transmit information simultaneously to everyone on a network.


A software application that displays World Wide *** pages originally written in the ****-based HTML ******** in a user-friendly graphical format.


Business requirements: The conditions an e-learning solution should meet to align with the needs of such stakeholders as the ******* developer, subject matter expert, learner, manager, and training administrator.


A combination of 8 bits

03-15-2010, 02:13 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بحرف ( C )

CBT- Computer-Based Training
An umbrella term for the use of computers in both instruction and management of the teaching and learning process. CAI (computer-assisted instruction) and CMI (computer-managed instruction) are included under the heading of CBT. Some people use the terms CBT and CAI interchangeably.

التدريب عن طريق الحاسب
مصطلح عام يطلق على عملية استخدام الحاسب في عملية التعليم.


Real-time ****-based communication in a virtual environment. Chat can be used in e-Learning for student questions, instructor feedback, or even group discussion.

وسيلة اتصال حية تعتمد على النص في نقل المعلومات في بيئة افتراضية. فهي تساعد الطلاب في استقبال و طرح الأسئلة و تلقي الدعم من المدرب و غير ذلك.

CMS - (******* Management System
A centralized software application or set of applications that facilitates and streamlines the process of designing, testing, approving, and posting e-learning *******, usually on ***pages.

نظام إدارة المحتوى
هو برنامج أو عدد من البرامج التي تسهل عملية تصميم و اختبار و نشر المحتوى الإلكتروني - على صفحات الانترنت غالباً.

Information captured digitally and imparted to learners. Formats for eLearning ******* include ****, audio, video, animation, simulation, and more.

المحتوى الإلكتروني
المعلومات التي نقلها للطلاب رقمياً.و من أشكال المحتوى الإلكتروني: النص, و الصوت, والفيديو, والمحاكاة وغيرها..

Any type of instructional or educational course delivered via a software program or over the Internet.

المادة التي يتم تحويلها إلكترونياً ونقلها عبر برنامج معين أو عبر الإنترنت.
Case study:

A scenario used to illustrate the application of a learning concept. May be either factual or hypothetical.

دراسة حالة : سيناريو يستخدم لتوضيح مفهوم تطبيق معين في التعليم ، وقد تكون هذه الحالة التي يتم ناقشتها واقعية أو افتراضية
Collaboration technology:
Software, platforms, or services that enable people at different ********s to communicate and work with each other in a secure, self-contained environment. May include capabilities for ******** management, application sharing, presentation development and delivery, whiteboarding, chat, and more.

التكنولجيا التعاونية : هي برامج البرمجيات ، والمنصات ،او الخدمات التي تمكن الناس في مختلف مواقع العمل من التواصل مع بعضهم البعض بطريقة آمنة وبأسلوب ذاتي .وهي البرمجيات توفر خدمات من مثل : إدارة الوثائق وتبادل الملفات و الدردشه ، وغير ذلك .

03-15-2010, 02:15 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( D )

Distance Education
Educational situation in which the instructor and students are separated by time, ********, or both. Education or training courses are delivered to remote ********s via synchronous or asynchronous means of instruction, including written correspondence, ****, graphics, audio- and videotape, CD-ROM, online learning, audio - and videoconferencing, interactive TV, and FAX. Distance education does not preclude the use of the traditional classroom. The definition of distance education is broader than and entails the definition of e-learning.

التعليم عن بعد
العملية التعليمية التي تتم بين المدرب و المتدرب بالرغم من عدم اجتماعهما في مكان واحد بسبب البعد الزمني أو الجغرافي. فعملية التعليم عن بعد يتم نفلها للمتدرب عن طريق وسائل متزامنة أو غير متزامنة. يستخدم فيها وسائل متعددة كالنص, و الصور, و الأقراص المدمجة (CD-ROM), الصوت, و مؤتمرات الفيديو, و غيرها. و من المهم معرفته أن مفهوم التعليم عن بعد أشمل من مفهوم التعليم الإلكتروني.


De facto standard:
An e-learning specification that hasn’t been officially established by an accrediting agency but that is accepted and used as a standard by a majority of practitioners.


A setting that the computer system uses automatically, unless it is changed by the user.


Any method of transferring ******* to learners, including instructor-led training, ***-based training, CD-ROM, books, and more.

Desktop videoconferencing:
Videoconferencing on a personal computer.


1) Learning or other types of activities that prepare a person for additional job responsibilities and/or enable him to gain knowledge or skills.
2) The creation of training materials or courses, as in ******* development or e-learning development.


Dial up:
To open a connection between a user’s computer and another computer via a modem.


An electrical signal that varies in discrete steps in voltage, frequency, amplitude, ********s, and so forth. Digital signals can be transmitted faster and more accurately than analog signals.


Digital Divide:
The gap that exists between those who can afford technology and those who cannot.

Discussion boards:
Forums on the Internet or an intranet where users can post messages for others to read.


See floppy disk or CD-ROM.


Disk drive:
The part of a computer that reads and writes data onto either a floppy disk, a hard disk, or an optical disk (CD, CD-ROM, DVD, DVD-ROM, WORM, and so forth).


Distance education:
Educational situation in which the instructor and students are separated by time, ********, or both. Education or training courses are delivered to remote ********s via synchronous or asynchronous means of instruction, including written correspondence, ****, graphics, audio- and videotape, CD-ROM, online learning, audio- and videoconferencing, interactive TV, and FAX. Distance education does not preclude the use of the traditional classroom. The definition of distance education is broader than and entails the definition of e-learning.


Distance learning:
The desired outcome of distance education. The two terms are often used interchangeably.


noun) A file that’s transferred or copied to a user’s computer from another connected individual computer, a computer network, a commercial online service, or the Internet. (verb) To transfer or copy a file to a user’s computer from another connected individual computer, a computer network, a commercial online service, or the Internet.


DS )Digital Signal):
The rate and format of a digital signal, for example, DS-1 or DS-3. Often used synonymously with T, as in T1 or T3, although the T technically refers to the type of equipment. See T1 and T3.


DSL )digital subscriber line):
A broadband Internet access method that sends data over standard phone lines at speeds up to 7 Mbps. DSL is available to subscribers who live within a certain distance of the necessary router.


DVD )digital versatile disc):

Optical disks that are the same size as CDs but are double-sided and have larger storage capacities.


DVI )digital video interactive):
A format for recording digital video onto compact disk, allowing for compression and full-motion video

03-15-2010, 02:15 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بحرف ( E )

Echo cancellation:
The process of eliminating the acoustic echo in a videoconferencing room.


E-learning (electronic learning):
Term covering a wide set of applications and processes, such as ***-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes the delivery of ******* via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio- and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, CD-ROM, and more.


Email (electronic mail):
Messages sent from one computer user to another.


Email list:
A form of one-to-many communication using email; a software program for automating mailing lists and discussion groups on a computer network.


End-to-end solution:
A marketing term used by large e-learning suppliers; meant to imply that their products and services will handle all aspects of e-learning.


End user:
The person for whom a particular technology is designed; the individual who uses the technology for its designated purpose. In e-learning, the end user is usually the student.


Enterprise-wide e-learning:
E-learning that’s intended for all or most employees within a company. It’s often part of a strategic change of direction with a very short timeline, but is also used to support a core process such as sales.


EPSS ) electronic performance support system):
1) A computer application that’s linked directly to another application to train or guide workers through completing a task in the target application. (2
More generally, a computer or other device that gives workers information or resources to help them accomplish a task or achieve performance requirements.


Design principles relating to the comfort, efficiency, and safety of users.


ERP )enterprise resource planning):
A set of activities supported by application software that helps a company manage such core parts of its business as product planning, parts purchasing, inventory management, order tracking, and customer service. Can also include modules for finance and HR activities. The deployment of an ERP system can involve considerable business process analysis, employee retraining, and new work procedures.



A type of local area network, originally developed at Xerox, in which computers communicate through radio frequency signals sent over coaxial cable.



Any systematic method for gathering information about the impact and effectiveness of a learning offering. Results of the measurements can be used to improve the offering, determine whether the learning objectives have been achieved, and assess the value of the offering to the organization.


The ability to expand and adapt an e-learning application or infrastructure by adding features, components, or services to a core set of capabilities.


A local-area network (LAN) or wide-area network (WAN) using TCP/IP, HTML, SMTP, and other open Internet-based standards to transport information. An extranet is only available to people inside and certain people outside an organization, as determined by the organization.

03-15-2010, 02:16 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( F )


Communication between the instructor or system and the learner resulting from an action or process.

التغذية الراجعة
تواصل المدرب أو النظام مع الطالب جراء حدث أو عملية معينة. كأن يجيب المدرب على سؤال المتدرب أو أن ينتقده..

F2F ) face-to-face):
Term used to describe the traditional classroom environment. Also see ILT.


Facilitative tools:
Electronic features used to deliver online courses. Examples include mailing lists, chat programs, streaming audio, streaming video, and ***pages.


The online course instructor who aids learning in the online, student-centered environment.


A person who registers for but does not complete an e-learning course.


FAQ ) frequently asked questions):
An informational list, in question and answer format, of common inquiries from users about a topic or application and standard responses. FAQs appear on ***sites and discussion boards and within desktop applications.


Fax )facsimile):
noun: The print-out of information transmitted via **** and/or graphic images over standard telephone lines. (verb) To transmit information via **** and/or graphic images over standard telephone lines.


Fiber-optic cable:
Glass fiber used for laser transmission of video, audio, and/or data. Fiber-optic cable has a much greater bandwidth capacity than conventional cable or copper wire.


File server:
A computer on a network with the primary task of storing files that can be shared by network users.

A technology that gives users access to the Internet while retaining internal network security.


Apple Computer’s trademarked name for its high-speed serial bus supporting the IEEE 1394 data transfer standard. FireWire enables the connection of up to 63 devices and transfers data at a speed of up to 400 mbps.

Software by Macromedia that enables designers to use simple vector graphics to create computer animations, which can be viewed by any browser with the correct plug-in.


Floppy disk )floppy diskette):
A data storage medium used with a personal computer. Current floppy disks can store up to 1.44 MB of data and are usually 3 1/2 inches in size. Older floppy disks were 5 and ¼ inches. Also spelled as floppy disc.


1) The regions to which a communications satellite can transmit.
2) The floor or desk surface space occupied by a piece of computer equipment.

The space between waves in a signal; the amount of time between waves passing a stationary point.


FTP )File Transfer Protocol):
A protocol that enables a user to move files from a distant computer to a local computer using a network like the Internet.

Full-motion video:
A signal that allows the transmission of the complete action taking place at the origination site.


Fully interactive video )two-way interactive video):

Two sites interacting with audio and video as if they were colocated.


03-15-2010, 02:18 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( G )

GB) gigabyte):
Just over one billion bytes. 1,000 megabytes.


GIF ) Graphics Interchange Format):
The ile format developed by CompuServe to store images. GIFs support 256 colors and are often used for *** images because they compress well.


1) The tailoring of an offering to include clear, grammatically correct **** that eliminates slang, gender references, and cultural or generational idioms. 2) The process of deploying a single system worldwide that meets a variety of needs.
3) Integrating several working systems into one.



The degree of detail something can be broken down into, or the number of discrete components making up any type of system. In e-learning, granularity is defined by the number of ******* chunks.


To reach total understanding of a subject. From Robert Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land.


GUI )graphical user interface):
A computer interface using icons or pictures. For example, Windows.


03-15-2010, 02:20 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( H)

Hard disk:
A computer’s main data storage component, usually housed within the CPU. Hard disks generally hold more data and can be read faster than floppy disks.


Hard drive:
A disk drive that reads a computer’s hard disk.


Hard skills:
Technical skills. See also soft skills.


HDTV )high-definition TV):
A television signal that has over five times the resolution of standard television and requires extraordinary bandwidth.



A ******** that has an address (URL) on the World Wide ***, is maintained by a person or an organization, and contains pointers to other pieces of information.


noun: A computer connected to a network. (verb) To store and manage another company’s technology and/or ******* on your own servers.


HRD )human resource development):
1) A term coined by Leonard Nadler to describe the organized learning experiences, such as training, education, and development, offered by employers within a specific timeframe to improve employee performance or personal growth.
2) Another name for the field and profession sometimes called training or training and development.


HTML )Hyper**** Markup ********):
The programming ******** used to create ********s for display on the World Wide ***.


HTTP )Hyper**** Transfer Protocol):
The set of rules and standards that govern how information is transmitted on the World Wide ***.


A network device that connects communication lines together.


Applications or ********s that contain dynamic links to other media, such as audio, video, or graphics files.


A system for retrieving information from servers on the Internet using World Wide *** client software. Hyper**** consists of key words or phrases in a WWW page that are linked electronically to other ***pages


03-15-2010, 02:20 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( I )

IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
An organization whose Learning Technology Standards Committee is working to develop technical standards, recommended practices, and guides for computer implementations of education and training systems.

الهيئة الخاصة بمهندسي الإلكترونيات
هيئة تقوم بتطوير المعايير التقنية لتتناسب مع الأنظمة الخاصة بالتدريب و التطوير.

ILT - Instructor-Led Training
Usually refers to traditional classroom training, in which an instructor teaches a course to a room of learners. The term is used synonymously with on-site training and classroom training (eLearning).

عملية التعليم عن طريق المدرب
هي العملية التي تطلق غالباً على التعليم التقليدي داخل الفصول الدراسية.

The underlying mechanism or framework of a system. In eLearning, the infrastructure includes the means by which voice, video, and data can be transferred from one site to another and be processed.

هيكل النظام
في مجال التعليم الإلكتروني نعني به الصوت, الفيديو, و المعلومات التي يتم نقلها من موقع لآخر.

ID - Instructional Designer
An individual who applies a systematic methodology based on instructional theory to create ******* for learning.

التصميم التدريبي
هو من يقوم بتطبيق منهج معين في بناء المحتوى التعليمي بناءً على نظرية تعليمية.

Combining hardware, software (and, in eLearning, *******) components together to work as an interoperable system. The process of integration may also include front-end planning and strategy.

دمج مكونات الحاسب و البرامج و عناصر المحتوى الإلكتروني معاً لتكون نظاماً متكاملاً.

Internet-Based Training
Training delivered primarily by TCP/IP network technologies such as email, newsgroups, proprietary applications, and so forth. Although the term is often used synonymously with ***-based training, Internet-based training is not necessarily delivered over the World Wide ***, and may not use the HTTP and HTML technologies that make ***-based training possible

Delivery of educational ******* via a *** browser over the internet or intranet. It provides links to learning resources outside of the course, such as references, email, bulletin boards, and discussion groups. Back to top Job Aid A device designed for use on the job and providing guidance on the performance of a specific task or skill. May be printed or on-line. Used in situations where it is not feasible or worthwhile to commit the procedure to memory before on-the-job-activity. ...

التدريب عن طريق الانترنت
التدريب على المحتوى التعليمي عن طريق متصفح الإنترنت سواءً على الإنترنت أو الإنترانت. و يوجد في الصفحة مصادر مساندة للمادة كالمؤتمرات, والبريد الإلكتروني, و مجموعات الحوار وما إلى ذلك.


ISO - International Organization for Standardization
An international federation of national standards bodies. See the ISO ***site.

الهيئة العالمية للمعايير
اتحاد دولي غير حكومي لسن معايير عالمية مكون من 156 دولة.
The ability of hardware or software components to work together effectively
التبادلية :
وتعني قابلية وقدرة الأجهزة والبرامج على العمل بشكل متلاءم وبفعالية لأداء مهام متبادلة ومحددة .
ILS) integrated learning system):
A complete software, hardware, and network system used for instruction. In addition to providing curriculum and lessons organized by level, an ILS usually includes a number of tools such as assessments, record keeping, report writing, and user information files that help to identify learning needs, monitor progress, and maintain student records

نظام متكامل للتعلم : ويقصد به كل البرمجيات والاجهزه والشبكة المستخدمة في التصميم .بالاضافة إلى توفير المناهج والدروس التي تنظم حسب المستوى الدراسي ،وكذلك فإنها تضم عددا من الادوات مثل تقييم وحفظ السجلات ، وكتابة التقارير ،وتوفير ملفات المعلومات التي تساعد على تحديد الاحتياجات التعليميه ورصد التقدم والحفاظ على سجلات الطلاب.

Information architecture:
A de******ion or design specification for how information should be treated and organized. In *** design, the term describes the the organization of online ******* into categories and the creation of an interface for displaying those categories

هندسة المعلومات : وصف التصميم او المواصفات لكيفية معالجة المعلومات وتنظيمها.في التصميم الوبي ( على الانترنت ) يقصد بالمصطلح أن يصف تنظيم المحتوى على الانترنت الى فئات ، وانشاء حلقة وصل لعرض الفئات والربط بينها .


IMS (Instructional Management System) Global Learning Consortium:
Coalition of government organizations dedicated to defining and distributing open architecture interoperability specifications for e-learning products


Instant messenger :IM
Software that lists users’ selected "buddies" (friends, family, co-workers, and so forth) who are online and enables users to send short **** messages back and forth to them. Some instant messenger programs also include voice chat, file transfer, and other applications


Intellectual property:
An idea, invention, formula, literary work, presentation, or other knowledge asset owned by an organization or individual. Intellectual property can be protected by patents, trademarks, service marks, and/or copyrights


Interactive media:
Allows for a two-way interaction or exchange of information.

An international network first used to connect education and research networks, begun by the US government. The Internet now provides communication and application services to an international base of businesses, consumers, educational institutions, governments, and research organizations

Internet-based training:
Training delivered primarily by TCP/IP network technologies such as email, newsgroups, proprietary applications, and so forth. Although the term is often used synonymously with ***-based training, Internet-based training is not necessarily delivered over the World Wide ***, and may not use the HTTP and HTML technologies that make ***-based training possible.


Internet Explorer:
Browser software that enables users to view ***pages

A LAN or WAN that’s owned by a company and is only accessible to people working internally. It is protected from outside intrusion by a combination of firewalls and other security measures.


IP)Internet Protocol):
The international standard for addressing and sending data via the Internet.


IP multicast:
Using the Internet Protocol, delivery of a learning event over a network from a single source to multiple participants.


ISDN )Integrated Services Digital Network):
A telecommunications standard enabling communications channels to carry voice, video, and data simultaneously

ISP)Internet service provider):
A hosting company that provides end user access to such Internet services as email, the World Wide ***, FTP, newsgroups, and so forth.

IT )information technology):
The industry or discipline involving the collection, dissemination, and management of data, typically through the use of computers.


ITFS )Instructional Television Fixed Service):
Microwave-based, high-frequency television used in educational program delivery.


IT training:
A combination of desktop training and information systems and technical training. Includes training in areas such as system infrastructure software, application software, and application development tools


03-15-2010, 02:22 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( J )


An object-oriented programming ******** developed by Sun Microsystems. Java isn’t dependent on specific hardware and can be launched from within an HTML ******** or stand- alone.


Java applet:
A small Java program launched through a browser.


A ******ing ******** that’s simpler than Java and can add interactivity to ***pages. Java****** commands allow tasks to be completed by the *** browser when a user views a ***page. (For example, making a graphic change when a user moves the cursor over it.)


JDBC )Java Database Connectivity):
An application program interface used to connect programs written in Java to the data in databases.


Job aid:
Any simple tool that helps a worker do his or her job (for example, a flow chart to follow when answering a customer service call). Job aids generally provide quick reference information rather than in-depth training.


JPEG ) Joint Photographic Experts Group):
1) A format for image compression that enables the user to weigh image quality against file size. JPEG is a lossy compression method, meaning that when the image is compressed, the file is made smaller by discarding some of its information. The more the file is compressed, the more information is discarded, and the more the image quality is degraded
. 2) The subgroup of the International Organization for Standardization responsible for setting the standards for the image file format that bears its name.



Characteristic of e-learning in which learners are able to access the information they need exactly when they need it


03-15-2010, 02:23 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( K )

KB ) kilobyte):
1,024 bytes.


Kbps )Kilobits per second):
Measurement of data transmission speed in a communication system. The number of kilobits transmitted or received each second.


KMS)knowledge management system):
See knowledge management.


Knowledge asset:
Intellectual ******* possessed by an organization. Any piece of information that a worker at a company knows, from customer names to how to fix a piece of machinery, can be considered a knowledge asset. Assets can be codified in a variety of formats, such as PowerPoint slides, Word ********s, audio and video files, and so forth.


Knowledge base:
A specialized database that stores knowledge assets.


Knowledge management:
The process of capturing, organizing, and storing information and experiences of workers and groups within an organization and making it available to others. By collecting those artifacts in a central or distributed electronic environment (often in a database called a knowledge base), KM aims to help a company gain competitive advantage


03-15-2010, 02:23 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( L )

LAN )local-area network):
A group of personal computers and/or other devices, such as printers or servers, that are located in a relatively limited area, such as an office, and can communicate and share information with each other.


LCMS )learning ******* management system):
A software application (or set of applications) that manages the creation, storage, use, and reuse of learning *******. LCMSs often store ******* in granular forms such as learning objects.

نظام إدارة المحتوى التعليمي
هو برنامج أو عدد من البرامج يقوم بإنشاء و تخزين و استخدام و إعادة استخدام المحتوى التعليمي


A cognitive and/or physical process in which a person assimilates information and temporarily or permanently acquires or improves skills, knowledge, behaviors, and/or attitudes.


Learning environment:
The physical or virtual setting in which learning takes place.

البيئة التعليمية
الاتصال بين المدرب و المتدرب في قاعة دراسية أو عن بعد لأداء العملية التعليمية


Learning object:
A reusable, media-independent collection of information used as a modular building block for e-learning *******. Learning objects are most effective when organized by a لالالالا data classification system and stored in a data repository such as an LCMS.

الكائن التعليمي
مجموعة من المعلومات قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام تقوم بذاتها كمحتوى تعليمي مستقل.


Learning objective:
A statement establishing a measurable behavioral outcome, used as an advanced organizer to indicate how the learner’s acquisition of skills and knowledge is being measured.

الأهداف التعليمية
جملة تنص على مخرجات سلوكية معينة يمكن قياسها.


Learning platforms:
Internal or external sites often organized around tightly focused topics, which contain technologies (ranging from chat rooms to groupware) that enable users to submit and retrieve information.


Learning portal:
Any ***site that offers learners or organizations consolidated access to learning and training resources from multiple sources. Operators of learning portals are also called ******* aggregators, distributors, or hosts.

بوابة التعليم
الموقع الذي يوفر للمتدربين الدخول إلى مصادر تعليمية أو تدريبية مختلفة


Learning solution:
1) Any combination of technology and methodology that delivers learning
. 2) Software and/or hardware products that suppliers tout as answers to businesses’ training needs.


Learning space:
An imaginary geography in which the learning enterprise flourishes. Mapped by market analysts and mined by consultants, this territory is a recent annexation to the business landscape.

The result of HTML markup signifying to a browser that data within a ******** will automatically connect with either nested data or an outside source. Used in the design of hyper****.


Email list management software developed by L-Soft International. See also email list.


LMS )learning management system):
Software that automates the administration of training. The LMS registers users, tracks courses in a catalog, records data from learners; and provides reports to management. An LMS is typically designed to handle courses by multiple publishers and providers. It usually doesn’t include its own authoring capabilities; instead, it focuses on managing courses created by a variety of other sources.

نظام إدارة التعلم
برنامج يقوم بتنظيم ومنح رخص دخول للخدمات الإلكترونية للطلاب والمدرسين و المشرفين لتتم من خلاله العملية التعليمية. ويتم بواسطته إنشاء و استيراد و تصدير المحتوى التعليمي, و كذلك متابعة أداء الطلاب, و طرح مواضيع في ساحة الحوار و وجود ميزة الدردشة الحية وما إلى ذلك.


The tailoring of an offering to meet the specific needs of a geographic area, product, or target audience.


Log in/Log on:
To establish a connection over a network or modem with a remote computer to retrieve or exchange information.


Log off:
To terminate a connection to a computer or network.


Microsoft’s Learning Resource Interchange, a format that gives ******* creators a standard way to identify, share, update, and create online ******* and courseware. LRN is the first commercial application of the IMS ******* Packaging Specification.

LSP )learning service provider):
A specialized ASP offering learning management and training delivery software on a hosted or rental basis.


Reading the postings in a discussion forum or on a listserv but not contributing to the discussion


03-15-2010, 02:25 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( N )

1) In data transmission, a limited range of frequencies.
2) More specifically, a network in which data transmission speeds range from 50 Bps to 64 Kbps. See also broadband.



1) Moving from ***page to ***page on the World Wide ***.
2) Moving through the pages of an online site that may not be part of the WWW, including an intranet site or an online course.



Placing ********s within other ********s. Allows a user to access material in a nonlinear fashion, the primary requirement for developing hyper****.



Common nickname for the Internet.


Online manners. The rules of conduct for online or Internet users.


Netscape Navigator:
Browser software that enables users to view ***pages.


Two or more computers that are connected so users can share files and devices (for example, printers, servers, and storage devices).



An online discussion hosted on the Usenet network. Sometimes also called a forum


03-15-2010, 02:27 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( O )

Object-oriented programming:

A type of computer programming that allows programmers to define the following as objects: data types, data structures, and the functions or operations that are to be applied to the objects. Object-oriented programming ********s include Java, Smalltalk, and C++.


ODBC )Open Database Connectivity):
An application program interface to access information from numerous types of databases, including Access, dbase, DB2, and so forth.



The state in which a computer is connected to another computer or server via a network. A computer communicating with another computer.


Online community:
A meeting place on the Internet for people who share common interests and needs. Online communities can be open to all or be by membership only and may or may not be moderated.


Online learning:
Learning delivered by ***-based or Internet-based technologies. See ***-based training and Internet-based training.


Online training:
***- or Internet-based training.


Open source software:
1) Generally, software for which the original program instructions, the source code, is made available so that users can access, modify, and redistribute it. The Linux operating system is an example of open source software.
2) Software that meets each of nine requirements listed by the non-profit Open Source Initiative in its Open Source Definition.


Origination site:
The ******** from which a teleconference originates.

03-15-2010, 02:28 AM

See Personal Digital Assistant.

Refers to the Adobe Acrobat file format for online ********s.

Opposite of andragogy. The art and science of how children learn.

One of the three required parts of a properly composed learning objective. Observable and measurable actions that should be demonstrated by the learner after the completion of training are detailed in the performance statement.

Performance Objective
The performance capability the learner should acquire by completing a given training course. Synonymous with learning objective.

Performance-based Instruction
Learning activities centered on the acquisition of skills more fundamentally than knowledge. Performance-based instruction, also called criterion-referenced instruction, relies on learning objectives to communicate what is expected to be achieved and evaluation of task completion to determine success.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
A small, handheld computer currently limited in functionality (e.g., calendar, rolodex, to do list). PDA’s are expanding in their capabilities to include wireless e-mail and Internet access, thus opening opportunities for mobile learning and support (m-learning).

Pilot Test
Also known as an Alpha test or formative evaluation. A version of the training program is delivered to a sub-set of the target audience for an evaluation of its instructional effectiveness. Also known as a very simple step to help avoid disaster, which is forgotten on the majority of projects.

Term created by joining the words picture and cell, a pixel is the basic unit of measurement for picture displays. Computer screen size is often measured in pixels, with 640x480 and 800x600 being common measurements.

A small piece of software that works in conjunction with a *** browsers to add additional functionality, like streaming audio or video.

Positive Reinforcement
Encouraging a behavior by rewarding that behavior after it is exhibited. An example is buying a child a toy after they do well on a test. An example in adult education is congratulating a learner after a question is answered correctly, or providing a completion diploma upon course completion. As my Dad used to say, "I ain’t going to give you a reward for doing something you should be doing anyway!"

A basic requirement or step in a process that must be fulfilled before moving on to an advanced step. Being able to stand is a prerequisite to being able to walk. In computer training, using the mouse is a prerequisite to using a graphical user interface.

See Programmer Ready Materials.

The chip or chip set that performs the operations central to a computer’s functioning.

A detailed set of instructions that make a computer able to perform some function. A program can be written by the user but the term is commonly used to refer to a specific pre-created software package, such as a word processor or spreadsheet.

Programmer Ready Materials
The individual components that are ready for assembly by a programmer or multimedia developer. Typically, PRMs include ******s, graphics, audio and video files. This is geek-speak, nobody uses this term anymore.

A working model created to demonstrate crucial aspects of a program without creating a fully detailed program. Adding details and ******* incrementally to advancing stages of prototypes is one process for creating successful applications

03-15-2010, 02:28 AM

Instantaneous response to external events. A real time simulation, like a driving simulator, follows the pace of events in reality.

Request for Proposal (RFP)
The official ******** produced by an organization that requests vendor bids for specific products and services. Also, the tool that many power-wielding, sadistic training managers use to inflict needless pain on naive, desperate vendors.

To revise pre-existing training material for a different delivery format. For example, instructor guides and student manuals are often repurposed into ***-based training.

Reusable Learning Object (RLO)
A specific chunk of ******* and code that represents an assessment, exercise, instructional *******, etc. In theory, RLO’s can be used in many different courses. Like the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the famed jackalope, RLO’s are frequently discussed and seldom ever seen.

See Request for Proposal.

See Reusable Learning Object

03-15-2010, 02:30 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( S )

Satellite TV:
Video and audio signals relayed via a communication device that orbits around the earth.


The degree to which a computer application or component can be expanded in size, volume, or number of users served and continue to function properly.


A device that converts a printed page or image into an digital representation that can be viewed and manipulated on a computer.


1) A relatively simple ****ual de******ion or representation of the internal structure of a database, including table names, element names, and relationships between elements.
2) One of several new entities that define the structure and ******* parameters for XML ********s.


SCORM ) Sharable ******* Object Reference Model):

A set of specifications that, when applied to course *******, produces small, reusable learning objects. A result of the Department of Defense’s Advance Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, SCORM-compliant courseware elements can be easily merged with other compliant elements to produce a highly modular repository of training materials.

هو أحد معايير التعليم الإلكتروني التي تمكن المدرب من استيراد المحتوى التعليمي و مشاركته و إعادة استخدامه و تصديره إلى أي نظام تعلم آخر يدعم هذه المعايير. و بتطبيق هذه المعايير يصبح بالإمكان معرفة نتائج المتدرب والمدة الزمنية التي قضاها وكذلك تدرجه في استيعاب المادة التدريبية.


Screen reader:
Computer software that speaks **** on the screen. Often used by individuals who are visually impaired.


A picture of a computer display that shows the display at a given point in time. Also called a screen capture. Annotated screenshots are often used in software manuals and training programs.
صورة ملتقطة
صورة ملتقطة من شاشة الحاسب تعرض نقطة معينة لشرح برنامج تدريبي مثلاً.


A program or set of instructions not carried out by the computer processor but by another program. Code is interpreted at run time rather than being stored in executable format.

******ing ********:
See ******.


To move **** and images on a computer screen in a constant direction--down, up, right, or left.


Section 508:
The section of the 1998 Rehabilitation Act that states that all electronic and information technology procured, used, or developed by the federal government after June 25, 2001, must be accessible to people with disabilities. Affected technology includes hardware such as copiers, fax machines, telephones, and other electronic devices as well as application software and ***sites. See http://www.section508.gov/ (http://www.section508.gov/).


Seamless technology:
Technology that’s easy to use, intuitive in nature, and isn’t the focus of the learning experience. Also called transparent technology.

The process by which the learner determines his or her personal level of knowledge and skills.

اختبار ذاتي
عملية تقييم ذاتي للمستوى العلمي والمهارات في مادة معينة

Self-paced learning:
An offering in which the learner determines the pace and timing of ******* delivery.

التعليم الذاتي
العملية التعليمية التي يحدد فيها المتدرب المكان و الزمان المناسبين له.

The Semantic ***:
A concept proposed by World Wide *** inventor Tim Berners-Lee. States that the *** can be made more useful by using methods such as ******* tags to enable computers to understand what they’re displaying and to communicate effectively with each other. That, says Berners-Lee, will increase users’ ability to find the information they see.

Serial bus:
A channel through which information flows, one bit at a time, between two or more devices in or connected to a computer. A bus typically has multiple points of access through which devices can attach to it.


Serial port:
A connection point for peripheral devices to be attached to a computer, through which data transmission occurs one bit at a time.


A computer with a special service function on a network, generally to receive and connect incoming information traffic.


Highly interactive applications that allow the learner to model or role-play in a scenario. Simulations enable the learner to practice skills or behaviors in a risk-free environment.
برنامج تفاعلي يمكن المتدرب من تمثيل المادة أو جزء منها بطريقة نموذجية شبيهة بالحقيقية.وبهذا يستطيع المتدرب ممارسة المهارات والخبرات بطريقة آمنة


Skill gap analysis:
Compares a person’s skills to the skills required for the job to which they have been, or will be, assigned. A simple skill gap analysis consists of a list of skills required along with a rating of the employee’s level for each skill. Ratings below a predetermined level identify a skill gap.

Skills inventory:
A list of skills or competencies that an individual posssess, usually created by self-evaluation.


SLIP )Serial Line Internet Protocol):
A means of allowing a user to connect to the Internet directly over a high-speed modem. Also see PPP. SLIP is older and used less frequently than PPP.


Slow scan converter:
A transmitter or receiver of still video over narrowband channels. In real time, camera subjects must remain still for highest resolution.


SME )subject matter expert):
An individual who is recognized as having proficient knowledge about and skills in a particular topic or subject area.
خبير المادة
مدرب لديه خبرة كافية في مجال تعليمي معين.

Soft skills:

Business skills such as communication and presentation, leadership and management, human resources, sales and marketing, professional development, project and time management, customer service, team building, administration, accounting and finance, purchasing, and personal development

A set of instructions that tell a computer what to do; a program.


Source code:
Program instructions written by a software developer and later translated (usually by a compiler) into machine ******** that a computer can understand.

noun) Junk email that is sent, unsolicted and in bulk, to advertise products or services or publicize a message. The term may have originated from a Monty Python song. (verb) To send unsolicited bulk email to advertise products or services or publicize a message.


A plan, instruction, or protocol for e-learning that’s established or agreed upon. Specification is often used interchangeably with standard, but the two terms are not truly synonymous. Specifications become standards only after they’ve been approved by an accrediting agency.


******** for accessing information in a database and updating entries.


A person with a vested interest in the successful completion of a project. Stakeholders in e-learning often include the developer, the facilitator, the learners, the learners’ managers, customers, and so forth.


An e-learning specification established as a model by a governing authority such as IEEE or ISO to ensure quality, consistency, and interoperability.

هو شرط تعليمي أسس بواسطة سلطة معينة كـ (IEEE أو ISO) ليقوم بذاته كنموذج يحقق الجودة و الكفاية و المشاركة.

تابع مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( S )

noun) An outline of a multimedia project in which each page represents a screen to be designed and developed. (verb) To create a storyboard.

عرض لمراحل تطوير مشروع معين. بحيث تعرض كل صفحة ما يتم إنشاؤه و تطويره حسب مدة معينة و حسب استخدام برامج محددة لإنشاء محتوى تعليمي متكامل و موافق للمعايير المتفق عليها


Streaming media )streaming audio or video):
Audio or video files played as they are being downloaded over the Internet instead of users having to wait for the entire file to download first. Requires a media player program.


The self-directed practice of reviewing instructional material (usually as a follow-up to instruction) to improve retention and understanding. Aims to increase or improve skills or knowledge in the long-term, although some people argue that studying only places information in the short-term memory and mainly serves the goal of improving performance on tests.


Style sheets:
In traditional print publishing and on the ***, style sheets specify how a ******** should appear, standardizing such elements as fonts, page layout and line spacing, repeated *******, and so forth. *** style sheets help ensure consistency across ***pages, but HTML coding can also override the sheets in designated sections of the pages. Also see CSS.


Synchronous learning:
A real-time, instructor-led online learning event in which all participants are logged on at the same time and communicate directly with each other. In this virtual classroom setting, the instructor maintains control of the class, with the ability to "call on" participants. In most platforms, students and teachers can use a whiteboard to see work in progress and share knowledge. Interaction may also occur via audio- or videoconferencing, Internet telephony, or two-way live broadcasts.

التعليم المتزامن
نوع من أنواع التعليم الإلكتروني يتم من خلاله ربط المدرب بالمتدربين في بيئة تعليمية حقيقية بحيث يتواصل المتدرب مع مدربه مباشرةً على الرغم من البعد و الانفصال الجغرافي. و بهذا النوع من التعليم يكون المدرب مشرفاً على الفصل مع إمكانية محادثة المتدربين مباشرة. بالإضافة إلى إمكانية رؤية الطلاب للسبورة الإلكترونية داخل القاعة حال الشرح.


The dynamic energetic atmosphere created in an online class when participants interact and productively communicate with each other.


System requirements:
The technological conditions required to run a software application. Includes the operating system, programming ********, database, hardware configuration, bandwidth, processing power, and so forth

متطلبات النظام
الشروط الواجب توفرها لتشغيل برنامج معين متضمنةً نظام التشغيل و اللغة المستخدمة و الداعمة و توافقية الأجهزة و سرعة الاتصال و غير ذلك..

03-15-2010, 02:31 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( T )

T-1 )DS-1):
High-speed digital data channel that is a high-volume carrier of voice and/or data. Often used for compressed video teleconferencing. T-1 has 24 voice channels.


T-3 )DS-3):
A digital channel that communicates at a significantly faster rate than T-1.


TBT )technology-based training):
The delivery of ******* via Internet, LAN or WAN (intranet or extranet), satellite broadcast, audio- or videotape, interactive TV, or CD-ROM. TBT encompasses both CBT and WBT.


TCP )Transmission Control Protocol):
A protocol that ensures that packets of data are shipped and received in the intended order.


A process that aims to increase or improve knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or behaviors in a person to accomplish a variety of goals. Teaching is often driven more toward the long-term personal growth of the learner and less toward business drivers such as job tasks that are often the focus of training. Some people characterize teaching as focused on theory and training as focused on practical application. See also Training and Learning.


The science of information transport using wire, radio, optical, or electromagnetic channels to transmit and receive signals for voice or data communications.


Working at home but connecting to one’s office by way of a computer network.


Two-way electronic communication between two or more groups in separate ********s via audio, video, and/or computer systems.


A utility that enables a user to log onto a computer or server and access its information remotely, for example, from home or a work ******** in the field.


A predefined set of tools or forms that establishes the structure and settings necessary to quickly create *******.


Thin client:
1) A network computer without hard- or diskette drives that accesses programs and data from a server instead of storing them locally.
2) Software that performs the majority of its operations on a server rather than the local computer, thus requiring less memory and fewer plug-ins.


A series of messages on a particular topic posted in a discussion forum.


Touch screen:
An input device used to simplify user input and response. The user touches the screen to control the output, working with menus or multiple-choice decision points. Allows some simulation of hands-on training; for example, pointing to parts on a machine.



A process that aims to improve knowledge, skills, attitudes, and/or behaviors in a person to accomplish a specific job task or goal. Training is often focused on business needs and driven by time-critical business skills and knowledge, and its goal is often to improve performance. See also Teaching and Learning.


Training management system: See LMS.


Transparent technology:
Technology that is easy to use, intuitive in nature, and not the focus of the learning experience. Also called seamless technology.



Satellite transmitter and receiver that receives and amplifies a signal prior to retransmission to an earth station.


Trojan horse:
A malicious computer program that appears legitimate but masks a destructive file or application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses usually do not replicate themselves but can still cause a great deal of damage, such as creating an entryway into your computer for malevolent users.


Step-by-step instructions presented through computer or ***-based technology, designed to teach a user how to complete a particular action.


24/7: Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. In e-learning,
used to describe the hours of operation of a virtual classroom or how often technical support should be available for online students and instructors

03-15-2010, 02:33 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( U )


Communication between a sender and a single receiver over a network. For example, an email message sent from one person to another.



The communication link from a transmitting earth station to a satellite.


To send a file from one computer or server to another.

URI )uniform resource identifier):

Name and address of information--****, graphics, audio, video, and so forth--on the Internet. A URI usually identifies the application used to access the resource, the machine the resource is located on, and the file name of the resource. A ***page address or URL is the most commonly used type of URI.


URL ) uniform resource locator):
The address of a page on the World Wide ***. For example,

*********************** .

The measure of how effectively, efficiently, and easily a person can navigate an interface, find information on it, and achieve his or her goals.


03-15-2010, 02:33 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( V )

Value-added services:
In the con**** of the e-learning industry, value-added services include custom training needs assessment and skill-gap analysis, curriculum design and development, pre- and posttraining mentoring and support, training effectiveness analysis, reporting and tracking tools, advisor services and implementation consulting, hosting and management of Internet- or intranet-based learning systems, integration of enterprise training delivery systems, and other services.


Vector graphic:
An image created based on mathematical formulas rather than by an array of dots. Vector images look cleaner when they’re enlarged or shrunk because the mathematical formulas on which they’re based redraw the images to scale. See also raster graphic.



Using video and audio signals to link participants at different and remote ********s.


Not concrete or physical. For instance, a completely virtual university does not have actual buildings but instead holds classes over the Internet.


Virtual classroom:
The online learning space where students and instructors interact.

الفصل الافتراضي
بيئة تعليمية عبر الشبكة يتواصل فيها الطلاب مع بعضهم و مع مدربهم بطريقة أشبه ما تكون بالحقيقية مع ملاحظة البعد الجغرافي


Virtual community:
See online community.



A destructive type of computer program that attempts to disrupt the normal operation of a computer, rewrite or delete information from storage devices, and in some cases, cause physical damage to the computer.


Virus detection program:
A software program to detect, diagnose, and destroy computer viruses.


VoD )video on demand)
: See CoD.


VoIP )voice over IP):
Voice transmitted digitally using the Internet Protocol. Avoids fees charged by telephone companies.



Vertical portal; a portal that targets a niche audience.


VPN )virtual private network):
A private network configured inside a public network. Offers the security of private networks with the economies of scale and built-in management capabilities of public networks.


03-15-2010, 02:35 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( W )

World Wide *** Consortium, an organization developing interoperable specifications, software, and tools for the WWW. See the W3C ***site.


WAN )wide-area network):
A computer network that spans a relatively large area. Usually made up of two or more local area networks. The Internet is a WAN.


WAP )wireless application protocol):
Specification that allows Internet ******* to be read by wireless devices.


WBT )***-based training):
Delivery of educational ******* via a *** browser over the public Internet, a private intranet, or an extranet. ***-based training often provides links to other learning resources such as references, email, bulletin boards, and discussion groups. WBT also may include a facilitator who can provide course guidelines, manage discussion boards, deliver lectures, and so forth. When used with a facilitator, WBT offers some advantages of instructor-led training while also retaining the advantages of computer-based training.


***-based learning:
See ***-based training.


(*** + broadcast) (noun) A broadcast of video signals that’s digitized and streamed on the World Wide ***, and which may also be made available for download. (verb) To digitize and stream a broadcast on the World Wide ***.


*** conference:
noun) A meeting of participants from disparate geographic ********s that’s held in a virtual environment on the World Wide ***, with communication taking place via ****, audio, video, or a combination of those methods. (verb) To participate in a *** conference.


***inar: *** + seminar
A small synchronous online learning event in which a presenter and audience members communicate via **** chat or audio about concepts often illustrated via online slides and/or an electronic whiteboard. ***inars are often archived as well for asynchronous, on-demand access.


A ******** on the World Wide *** that’s viewed with a browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.


A set of files stored on the World Wide *** and viewed with a browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. A ***site may consist of one or more ***pages.


An electronic version of a dry-erase board that enables learners in a virtual classroom to view what an instructor, presenter, or fellow learner writes or draws. Also called a smartboard or electronic whiteboard.

السبورة الإلكترونية
هي تقنية تمكن المتربين من رؤية ما يكتبه المدرب على السبورة. و هي ما يطلق عليها كذلك السبورة الذكية


Wi-fi )wireless fidelity):

1) Term developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance denoting products that can connect to each other without wires, acting as either wireless clients or base stations. Products bearing a “Wi-fi certified” label should always be interoperable; some non-logoed products will interoperate as well.
2) Any network adhering to the IEEE 802.11 standard, including 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and so forth.


A mini-application that prompts a user through the steps of a particular computer-based action. The user provides necessary information as he or she proceeds through the wizard’s screens, while the wizard completes the actual steps behind the scenes.


WML )Wireless Markup ********):

XML-based ******** that allows a reduced version of ***pages’ **** to be displayed on cellular phones and personal digital assistants.



1) A device, often a microcomputer, that serves as an interface between a user and a file server or host computer.
2) More generally, a computer or a computer terminal.


A computer virus that replicates itself many times over for the purpose of consuming system resources, eventually shutting down a computer or server. This type of virus is most often directed at mail servers such as Microsoft Exchange and is usually unleashed when an unsuspecting user opens an email attachment.


WORM )write once, read many):

A type of data storage disk that allows information to be saved to it only once, archiving permanent data. WORM disks must be read by the same kind of drive that wrote them, thus hindering widespread acceptance of this technology.


WWW )World Wide ***):
A graphical hyper****-based Internet tool that provides access to ***pages created by individuals, businesses, and other organizations.


WYSIWYG )what you see is what you get):
Pronounced "wizzy wig," a WYSIWYG program allows designers to see **** and graphics on screen exactly as they will appear when printed out or published online, rather than in programming code.


03-15-2010, 02:36 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( X )

XML )Extensible Markup ********):

The next-generation ***page coding ******** that allows site designers to program their own markup commands, which can then be used as if they were standard HTML commands.


XSL )eXtensible Stylesheet ******** or eXtensible Style ********):

A ***page design ******** that creates style sheets for XML pages, which separate style from ******* so that developers can specify how and where information is displayed on the page

03-15-2010, 02:36 AM
مصطلحات تبدأ بالحرف ( Z )

Zip file:

1) A file that has been compressed, often with the .ZIP format originated by PKWARE.

2) A file on a Zip disk, not necessarily compressed.
3) A compressed file with the .EXE extension that is self-extracting (can be unzipped simply by opening it).


Zip drive:
An external data storage device that reads Zip disks.


Zip disk:

Portable storage disk that can hold 100 or 250 MB of information, manufactured by the Iomega corporation. Used in a Zip drive, Zip disks can archive or back up large amounts of data

03-15-2010, 03:51 AM
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